U.S. Federal Issues
U.S. Federal Issues And Legislation Related To The Mechanical Insulators LMCT
The Mechanical Insulators Labor Management Cooperative Trust (LMCT) maintains a political presence in Washington D.C. to advocate for the needs of our signatory contractors and union membership across the country.
Our advocacy intensifies when legislation is drafted, introduced, debated and voted on that relates to the use of Mechanical Insulation products, the Mechanical Insulation Industry or any matters that include efforts to improve energy efficiency and lower carbon emissions.

The following legislation has been introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives and placed into a committee:
Federal Mechanical Insulation Act (H.R. 4663)
This bill will advance federal energy efficiencies, save tax dollars and reduce energy loss and emissions for the approximately 350,000 federal buildings in the U.S. It will also add an important audit metric for regulators to include when assessing federal buildings’ measure of Mechanical Insulation efficiencies.

Mechanical Insulation Installation Incentive Act of 2023 (H.R. 6104)
The legislation will create jobs for those who work in the Mechanical Insulation industry and promote energy efficiency by significantly reducing U.S. energy consumption by promoting better Mechanical Insulation installation across the country.

Mechanical Insulation in Federal Policy

EPA Asbestos Risk Evaluation
The Biden Administration’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will continue work to implement the updated 2016 Toxic Substance Control Act.

Chrysotile Asbestos Ban
On March 18, 2024, the EPA announced a final rule to prohibit the ongoing use of chrysotile asbestos, the only known form of asbestos currently used in or imported to the U.S. The ban will go into effect in phases over the next five to 12 years.

Mesothelioma Patient Registry bill (H.R. 1824 in previous Congress)
Once this bill is reintroduced, it will propose the creation of a federal mesothelioma patient registry.

NABTU Building Trades Legislative Work
In addition to our federal advocacy work to promote the legislative priorities of both our Insulators Union and our affiliated contractors, we also actively promote the legislative priorities that benefit all NABTU building trades affiliated unions.

Union Construction Labor Standards
We work to ensure that federal construction funding and programs contain Davis-Bacon Prevailing Wage coverage. One policy challenge we encounter is the inclusion of labor standards into the federal tax law, so all government funding, either direct federal grant programs or tax incentives, contains labor standards.

Labor Standards and Clean Energy
The LMCT worked with NABTU affiliates in support of a U.S. House letter to encourage the support of building trades labor standards in future clean energy tax credits legislation.
The LMCT partners with the Insulators Union throughout the U.S. and Canada performing high quality work in the following industries:
• Maintenance and New Construction
• Industrial High Temperature
• Pads and Blankets
• Storage Tanks and Vessels
• Boilers
• Chillers
• Metal Cladding/Weather Barriers
• Commercial Heating and Cooling
• Vapor retarders and barriers
• Asbestos abatement
• Firestop and Smokeseal
• Nuclear Specialized Applications
• Mechanical Insulation Evaluations
• CUI Programs
• Specialized Insulations