About Our Industry
The Mechanical Insulators Labor Management Cooperative Trust (LMCT) is a Labor Management organization of The International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers (HFIAW) and the National Union Insulation Contractors Alliance (NUICA).
This tripartite works together to advance the Mechanical Insulation industry, in order to create work for the union contractors, who employ members of the Insulators Union.
Established in 2007 by the HFIAW and their signatory contractors, the LMCT is a joint labor and management organization that advocates for the Mechanical Insulation and Firestopping industries.
The LMCT seeks to advance the use of union contractors while promoting the use of the industry’s highly trained and highly skilled workforce. This entails working with legislators to help pass legislation favorable to the industry and also working to broaden decision-makers in multiple industries on the benefits of the industry and the union advantage.

Insulators Union
The primary focus of the Insulators Union is to assist its membership in securing employment, defend their rights and advance their interests as working men and women. Through education and cooperation, we hope to raise them to a position in society where they can live comfortably.
Insulation and firestopping is installed by our professional mechanical insulators, who have achieved journeyman status in the union through a multi-year classroom and 1,600 hour per year on-the-job training program.
The mission of NUICA is to cooperate with the Insulators Union in order to promote union construction as it relates to the installation of mechanical insulation, manufacturer and installation of removable insulation blankets, installation of fire-stopping materials, removal of asbestos materials, removal of lead paint and other related services.
LMCT-affiliated contractors use only highly skilled and highly trained professionals, who complete U.S. DOL-approved apprenticeships to become part of a 23,000-member Insulators Union workforce in the U.S. and Canada.

Apprenticeship Training
The International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers accepts capable individuals into their trades through its registered apprenticeship program.
All training is overseen by the Insulation Industry International Apprenticeship and Training Fund.
Not only do apprentices gain much-needed, hands-on training on the job and inside the classroom, but they also earn a living wage and excellent benefits, including full-family medical and retirement right away.
Women in the Industry
Both the Insulators Unions and their signatory contractors are proud to boast an increasing number of women in their ranks.
The Mechanical Insulators LMCT strongly urges and supports efforts to increase the number of female union Insulators and business owners.

Mental Health Awareness
Once considered a taboo subject, a mounting pile of evidence has revealed construction workers struggle with mental health and suicide issues.
The Mechanical Insulators LMCT, on behalf of the Insulators Union and our affiliated contractors are looking to address these issues and bring them out into the open. These are truly a labor management issues that cannot be overlooked.
Oftentimes, the mental health and substance abuse issues facing Insulators and other members of the building trades are caused by a multitude of factors. If not properly addressed, these issues can lead to a number of other issues – including suicide.
America’s Work Force Union Podcast
America’s Work Force Union Podcast is America’s only daily podcast dedicated to union news and issues.
Each month, Mechanical Insulators Labor Management Cooperative Trust Executive Director Pete Ielmini or a designated LMCT guest joins the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss topics pertinent to the LMCT, Mechanical Insulation and Firestop Industries, the Insulators Union or the union construction industry.