Industrial Plants Audit Reports

Select any of the audit summaries below to see cost savings.


Boise Paper Mill Final Energy Audit Report


Investment: $31,000
Payback Period: 1 month
Annual Cost Savings: $1 million
Energy Savings: 154,000 MmBtu per year

Dow Chemical Company Petrochemical Plant Final Energy Audit Report


Investment: $225,000
Payback Period: 1.5 months
Annual Cost Savings: $1.9 million
Energy Savings: 272,000 MmBtu per year

OS Longman State Department Agriculture Food Supply Final Energy Audit Report


Investment: $12,472
Payback Period: 6 months
Annual Cost Savings: $24,102
Energy Savings: 6,026 GJ per year

Wascana Powerhouse Final Energy Audit Report


Investment: $29,959*
Payback Period: 1.93 years
Annual Cost Savings: $15,518
Energy Savings: 7,218 GJ per year
*Additional costs to remove asbestos not part of this quote.