Canada Federal Issues

Canadian Federal Issues And Legislation Related To The LMCT

The Mechanical Insulators Labor Management Cooperative Trust (LMCT) maintains a political presence in Canada, monitoring developments that may impact our industry and our affiliated members.

This page will display updates on various bills and federal political issues that affect the Mechanical Insulation Industry. At times, the LMCT may seek assistance in shaping opinions on certain issues or legislation. This may include letter-writing campaigns or other forms of feedback sent to individual legislators.

Canadian- Parliment Flag Sunset

Government of Canada

We will do our best to keep you informed, but if members of the Insulators Union come across topics that might require our attention, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act, Bill C-50

As part of its ongoing commitment to transition Canada to a net-zero, low-carbon economy, Bill C-50 requires the federal government to publish an updated plan every five years (starting in 2025) that focuses on what is being done to create sustainable jobs and protect workers in the energy sector and to report on progress being made.

The legislation also outlines the creation of the Sustainable Jobs Secretariat and the Sustainable Jobs Partnership Council, both of which will be crucial to establishing strong relationships with stakeholders, including Mechanical Insulators.

The Insulators support Bill C-50’s intent, specifically its goal of fostering job creation and economic opportunities as Canada aims to reach net zero by 2050.

Government of Canada Invests in Building Trades

The Fall Economic Implementation Act, Bill C-59

Bill C-59 includes important labour and infrastructure initiatives.

These measures include a roadmap for Investment Tax Credits that were introduced in Budget 2023, investments in affordable housing, the introduction of a 15-week shareable Employment Insurance adoption benefit and corresponding changes to the Employment Insurance Act and Canada Labour Code, and the intent to leverage private and institutional capital through the Canada Infrastructure Bank to support infrastructure projects.

The legislation will proceed to the committee stage, where it will be reviewed by members when parliament resumes at the end of January.

Canada Parliament with flag

National Asbestos Strategy

In 2018, the federal government banned asbestos and asbestos-containing products.

However, an estimated 235,000 Canadian workers are still regularly exposed to asbestos – including 157,000 construction workers through “legacy asbestos” that remains in buildings across the country.

Banning new asbestos products means no new products will contain this hazardous material. Yet, meaningful action is still needed to address the continued risk many Insulators and retrofit workers — and their families — face on a daily basis.

One of the first steps toward implementing a national asbestos strategy in Canada is developing a national occupational cancer patient registry, which would include mesothelioma. Occupational cancer patient registries increase our understanding of these diseases and support the development of treatment protocols and therapies.

Asbestos worker on ladder horizontal

Our Partners at Summa Strategies Canada

The LMCT is proud to partner with Summa Strategies for assistance with public affairs and advocacy efforts in Canada. Since 2013, Summa has been working with the LMCT and the Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers to advance priorities to grow the trade, improve training and quality assurance programs and strengthen health and safety standards. The Summa consulting team serves as an extension of the LMCT’s public affairs team in Canada, providing strategic advice, lobbying and communications support. Summa Strategies is a government relations firm headquartered in the nation’s capital, but stretches across Canada from British Columbia in the West to Atlantic Canada. The Summa team works hand-in-hand with the LMCT and the Insulators Union leadership team in Canada and in provincial jurisdictions across the country. Summa’s focus is on supporting insulator advocacy at the federal level and in major provincial capitals. Summa’s consultants are available to support the LMCT when and where key issues or opportunities arise.

The LMCT partners with the Insulators Union throughout the U.S. and Canada performing high quality work in the following industries:

• Mechanical Insulation
• Maintenance and New Construction
• Industrial High Temperature
• Pads and Blankets
• Storage Tanks and Vessels
• Boilers
• Chillers
• Metal Cladding/Weather Barriers
• Commercial Heating and Cooling
• HVAC Systems
• Vapor retarders and barriers
• Asbestos abatement
• Firestop and Smokeseal
• Nuclear Specialized Applications
• Mechanical Insulation Evaluations
• CUI Programs
• Specialized Insulations