LMCT and Building Action Host Mechanical Insulation Webinar

August 2, 2021

On July 27, the Mechanical Insulators LMCT, in partnership with the Building Action organization, hosted a Mechanical Insulation Awareness webinar.

Called Financing Better Buildings, the webinar focused on major benefits associate with mechanical insulation – energy efficiency, economic savings and helping to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. The webinar also discussed the need for tax incentives to promote energy efficiency technology.

Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers General President Revard served as the co-host for the webinar. Revard was joined by an expert panel that included HFIAW General Secretary-Treasurer Gamble, Insulators LMCT contractor trustee Tom Dake II and Bryan Bergquist from Owens Corning. Insulators LMCT Deputy Director Gina Walsh served as the webinar moderator.

The webinar also featured a presentation from Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CA), the leader of mechanical insulation legislation in the U.S. House.

Rep. Sanchez discussed how policymakers can make inroads in reducing energy consumption in the building sector while revitalizing the economy through legislation like her Mechanical Insulation Installation Incentive Act and other proposals. She also explained how such legislation can help save the climate by creating more energy efficient systems, which in turn, reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions.

Between Rep. Sanchez and the panel, the webinar discussed the multiple benefits of mechanical insulation, and how it can be used in multiple sectors.

The LMCT strongly encourage people to watch the webinar and learn more about the value of mechanical insulation and how transforming America’s buildings to create jobs and meet energy efficiency goals requires a holistic approach to making schools, homes, offices and other structures more sustainable.

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