
Mechanical Insulation Energy Audit

How is a Mechanical Insulation Energy Audit performed?

How is a Mechanical Insulation Energy Audit performed?

James Petrides, CEM, CEA, CTII, CIEA, Mechanical Insulators LMCT Senior Mechanical Insulation Specialist, appeared on the America’s Work Force Union Podcast and addressed one of the more significant issues facing the Mechanical Insulation industry -- it is still...

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Energy Audit Program proves Mechanical Insulation saves money

Energy Audit Program proves Mechanical Insulation saves money

Pete Ielmini, Executive Director of the Mechanical Insulators Labor Management Cooperative Trust (LMCT), joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast and discussed the LMCT’s new Mechanical Insulation Energy Audit Program. He also provided a progress update on the...

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Mechanical Insulation Energy Audit Act passed in Illinois

Mechanical Insulation Energy Audit Act passed in Illinois

In February, the Mechanical Insulators Labor Management Cooperative Trust was excited to announce that Local 17 Chicago and Local 1 St. Louis formed a partnership to promote the Mechanical Insulation industry through state legislation. Once filed, Senate Bill 2049 and...

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Ielmini: Make Mechanical Insulation Energy Audits mandatory

Ielmini: Make Mechanical Insulation Energy Audits mandatory

Mechanical Insulators Labor Management Cooperative Trust (LMCT) Executive Director Pete Ielmini appeared on the America’s Work Force Union Podcast and discussed the importance of Mechanical Insulation Energy Audits and why the National Energy Conservation Policy Act...

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New Brunswick, Canada Labor Management Effort Win

New Brunswick, Canada Labor Management Effort Win

Mechanical Insulation Energy Audits were performed in several school districts that have demonstrated a need for Mechanical Insulation upgrade and maintenance. These and additional energy audits can be found by clicking here. Under the leadership of Insulators Local...

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Local 78 FMRP educates Fire Inspectors

On Sept. 4, HFIAW Local 78, Birmingham, Ala., hosted a Mechanical Insulators LMCT Firestop Market Recovery Program designed for Fire Inspectors.
