Mechanical Insulation is critical to reducing U.S fossil fuel use

September 2, 2022

Mechanical Insulators Labor Management Cooperative Trust (LMCT) Executive Director Pete Ielmini appeared on the America’s Work Force Union Podcast and discussed the important role Mechanical Insulation plays in reducing the use of fossil fuel, which in turn helps protect the environment.

On Aug. 31, Ielmini told AWF host Ed “Flash” Ferenc that for the time being, the U.S. remains dependent on fossil fuels, which makes energy conservation a national priority. He then explained how the LMCT plays an important role of educating local, state and federal agencies and helping them understand the energy savings that can be achieved through proper installation and maintenance of Mechanical Insulation.

Ielmini estimated that U.S. buildings are missing 10 percent to 30 percent of the Mechanical Insulation needed to be energy efficient.

He also stressed the importance of educating leaders at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) about the energy-saving benefits of Mechanical Insulation. If buildings and mechanical systems can be properly insulated to operate more efficiently, heating and air conditioning units use significantly less fuel and emit lower harmful emissions, he explained.

Ielmini said properly installed and maintained Mechanical Insulation can reduce building emissions by 70 percent. For example, the installation of 50-feet of Mechanical Insulation around a steam pipe has a similar carbon reduction as taking 2,000 cars off the road, he added.

The true meaning of Labor Day

Discussion then turned to the true meaning of Labor Day, Ielmini urged listeners to reflect on the contributions unions have made for all working people over the Labor Day weekend.

Labor Day is a celebration of workers across all professions, including construction workers, office professionals, nurses and teachers, Ielmini said.

If not for unions, we would not have many of the benefits and opportunities working people enjoy today, as unions helped to create the eight-hour workday, workers’ compensation laws and the right to a safe workplace, he added.

Listen to the interview:

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