Education Facilities Audit Reports

Select any of the audit summaries below to see cost savings.


Ecole Marie Esther Final Energy Audit Report


Investment: $29,174
Payback Period: 0.6 years
ROI Rate: 156.1%
20-year Net Present Value: $881,746
Co2 Emission Savings: 148.82 Mt per year

Ecole Secondaire Nepisiguit Final Energy Audit Report


Investment: $30,485
Payback Period: 0.5 years
ROI Rate: 185.8%
20-year Net Present Value: $1,102,035
Co2 Emission Savings: 180.76 Mt per year

Florenceville Middle School Final Energy Audit Report


Investment: $17,376
Payback Period: 1.7 years
ROI Rate: 59%
20-year Net Present Value: $187,824
Co2 Emission Savings: 36.21 Mt per year

Frank L Bowser Final Energy Audit Report


Investment: $6,141
Payback Period: 1.2 years
ROI Rate: 84.4%
20-year Net Present Value: $97,559
Co2 Emission Savings: 12.24 Mt per year

Hampton High Final Energy Audit Report


Often times, a poorly performed mechanical insulation energy audit will focus on the mechanical system and ignore obvious things, such as hot water tanks. This expertly performed mechanical insulation energy audit discovered Hampton High School was losing quite a bit of energy around hot water tanks. By adding mechanical insulation to the tanks and their pipes, the school could save over $3,600 in five years.

Harvey High Final Energy Audit Report


Investment: $1,959
Payback Period: 2.1 years
ROI Rate: 47%
20-year Net Present Value: $16,461
Co2 Emission Savings: 4.42 Mt per year

Kennebecasis Valley Final Energy Audit Report


Investment: $8,790
Payback Period: 0.5 years
ROI Rate: 198%
20-year Net Present Value: $339,330
Co2 Emission Savings: 50.18 Mt per year

McAdam High Final Energy Audit Report


Investment: $2,712
Payback Period: 5.2 years
ROI Rate: 18.4%
20-year Net Present Value: $7,628
Co2 Emission Savings: 2.25 Mt per year

Nackawic High Final Energy Audit Report


Investment: $2,010
Payback Period: 3.8 years
ROI Rate: 26.1%
20-year Net Present Value: $8,590
Co2 Emission Savings: 2.38 Mt per year