Cairnsmore Place Healthcare Facility Final Energy Audit Report
Investment: $ 3,150
Payback Period: 1.67 years
Annual Cost Savings: $1,888
Energy Savings: 128 GJ per year
Eagle Park Hospital Final Energy Audit Report
Investment: $3,492
Payback Period: 3 years
Annual Cost Savings: $1,150
Energy Savings: 78 GJ per year
Nanaimo Regional Hospital Final Energy Audit Report
Investment: $3,492
Payback Period: 3 years
Annual Cost Savings: $10,059
Energy Savings: 682 GJ per year
NIA Study on Mechanical Insulation in Hospitals
This white paper study focuses on quantifying the use of Mechanical Insulation in schools and hospitals. On average, hospitals in the study with ASHRAE-rated Mechanical Insulation realized a 2.1 percent energy savings. The entire study can be downloaded and reviewed for best practices in hospitals.
Saanich Peninsula Hospital Final Energy Audit Report
Investment: $2,336
Payback Period: 4 years
Annual Cost Savings: $2,300
Energy Savings: 236 GJ per year
Tofino General Hospital Final Energy Audit Report
Investment: $ 2,428
Payback Period: 2.7 years
Annual Cost Savings: $873.50
Energy Savings: 32.4 GJ per year
Trillium Lodge Residential Healthcare Final Energy Audit Report
Investment: $8,128
Payback Period: 5.8 years
Annual Cost Savings: $1,395
Energy Savings: 34,889 Kwh per year
Victoria General Hospital Final Audit Report
Investment: $31,860
Payback Period: 3.4 years
Annual Cost Savings: $9,240
Energy Savings: 1,043 GJ per year
Victoria General Hospital Laundry Services Final Energy Audit Report
Investment: $12,662
Payback Period: 6.4 years
Annual Cost Savings: $1,978
Energy Savings: 223 GJ per year
West Coast General Hospital Final Energy Audit Report
Investment: $17,537
Payback Period: 2.39 years
Annual Cost Savings: $7,308
Energy Savings: 540.6 GJ per year