LMCT Partners with Ontario Government For Youth Training Programs

September 8, 2020

The Mechanical Insulators LMCT representatives are partnering with the Ontario Government to create youth training programs designed to expose more children and young people to careers in the construction industry.

The $43 million in expanded youth training programs will help increase awareness and encourage young people and children to acquire the skills needed to start them down the path to lifelong success, while supporting Ontario’s economic recovery and future prosperity.

“Ontario’s demand for workers in the trades is on the rise, and we want to attract more young and talented people into the exciting and challenging world of trades,” said Minister of Labour, Training and Skills Development Monte McNaughton.

The plan to help attract and train youth in the trades begins at the elementary school level, as $5 million will be provided to Skills Ontario in order to increase awareness of the trades among elementary and secondary students.

The Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) will receive $17 million to send representatives to schools, providing high school students with the opportunity to learn about work in the skilled trades, and/or train as apprentices while completing their Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

Another $21 million will go to Ontario’s pre-apprenticeship training program to give students and graduates exposure to a variety of good jobs in the skilled trades. This program is free for participants and includes work placement.

Additionally, Ontario will appoint three Youth Advisors to engage with youth, educators, business, parents and other key partners, as well as the Minister of Labour Training and Skills Development, on how to make the trades a viable first career choice for young people.

These Youth Advisors will work to increase the awareness of the skilled trades among elementary school students, starting in grade one, but their major focus will be students in grades seven and eight. They will make it easier for high school students to learn about the options in the trades and to begin a pathway toward an apprenticeship, while continuing to earn secondary school credits.

It is estimated Ontario needs to add more than 26,000 additional building trades members over the next eight years.

The Mechanical Insulators LMCT is proud to partner with the Ontario government in order to help raise awareness about the need for today’s youth to begin a career in the building trades.

Specifically, the Mechanical Insulators LMCT will work to promote careers as Insulators, which will help the country reduce greenhouse gas emissions in both public and private run buildings.

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