Mechanical Insulators LMCT

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Ielmini promotes end-user training on AWF Union Podcast

The Mechanical Insulators LMCT is reaching out to end-users to educate them on the value of mechanical insulation. Mechanical Insulators LMCT Executive Director Pete Ielmini appeared on the America’s Work Force Union Podcast, a daily, labor-focused podcast, to explain...

LMCT Attends Rally to keep Illinois Nuclear Plants Open

Illinois residents, members of organized labor, the Mechanical Insulators LMCT and others attended a rally in Springfield to bring attention to the public support of nuclear power plants within the state. On May 28, hundreds of people attended a rally at the Illinois...

Support for Skilled Trades in Canada’s 2021 Federal Budget

The skilled trades are featured prominently in the government recovery plan, including the development of a new Apprenticeship Service to be delivered by Employment and Social Development Canada. Set to begin in 2021-2022, the government claims the new program will...

A Canadian Plan to Build Back Better

On April 19, the first Canadian woman to hold the federal finance minister portfolio delivered the longest and arguably most significant budget in Canadian history. At more than 740 pages, Finance Minister Chyrstia Freeland’s first budget was both heavy and weighty...

Rep. Sanchez Champions Mechanical Insulation During Committee Hearing

During a House Ways and Means Committee hearing, Rep. Linda Sanchez spoke about the importance of mechanical insulation. Sanchez has worked to develop the Growing Renewable Energy and Efficiency Now (GREEN) Act, which according to her website seeks to address the...

LMCT Hosts Suicide Prevention Webinar

The Heat and Frost Insulators LMCT hosted a webinar to educate contractors and union leaders on mental health, substance abuse and suicide prevention.
